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Informativa sulla privacy

banner-leaf is operated by Pizza Me Mucho Rooms & Osteria, a company registered in Italy, with registered address Via udine 15, 33020, Verzegnis (UD), ITALY (‘Pizza Me Mucho’, ‘we’ or ‘us’).  If you experience problems with the site or would like to comment on it, please feel free to  contact us. 

Any personal information made available by users shall be treated and protected in accordance with Pizza Me Mucho’s Privacy Policy.

This legal notice is governed by Italia law and any dispute arising out of or in connection with this legal notice which cannot be resolved amicably shall be dealt with exclusively by the Azerbaijan courts.

Access and Content

This site is provided on as “as is” and “as available” basis.  Pizza Me Mucho cannot guarantee that this site will operate continuously, without interruptions or be error free.  Pizza Me Mucho uses reasonable endeavours to ensure that site content is accurate, but makes no representation or warranty that any content is complete or up-to-date. No content is intended to amount to advice on which reliance should be placed. 

To the fullest extent permitted by law: Pizza Me Mucho expressly excludes any terms, warranties or conditions whether express, implied or statutory, including without limitation implied warranties of quality, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement; and Pizza Me Mucho shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss or damage arising out of access to, use of or reliance on any content on this site.

Any comments received by us about this site, will become Pizza Me Mucho's property and will not be treated as confidential. 

From time to time, we may restrict access to some features or parts of the site, or the entire site.

Copyright and trademarks

Unless indicated to the contrary, on this site all trademarks belong to, and all materials including design, text, graphics and photographs are the copyright of, Pizza Me Mucho or its third party licensors.

Extracts or materials from our site may be downloaded, printed and copied for non-commercial, personal use only. Any copied material must include all copyright or other proprietary notices. No other use whatsoever of site material is permitted without our prior written permission.

Links to other websites

This site may contain links to third party sites and unless stated otherwise, Pizza Me Mucho does not control or in any way endorse such sites.  Pizza Me Mucho has no responsibility or liability for any content or issues arising in connection with linked third party sites.

Links to other websites

This site may contain links to third party sites and unless stated otherwise, Pizza Me Mucho does not control or in any way endorse such sites.  Pizza Me Mucho has no responsibility or liability for any content or issues arising in connection with linked third party sites.

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Pizza me Mucho
San Daniele & Stracciatella
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Pizza me Mucho
Pizza me Mucho
Parmigiano & Pere (BIANCA)
Pizza me Mucho